When was the last time you exercised your BUSINESS MUSCLES? Let me explain to you what I mean by that…
When you are INTENTIONAL about getting your physical body and strength together, you exercise, you practice cardio to strengthen your endurance, you lift weights to make your physical muscles stronger. You hire trainers. You study what other people are doing and apply it to your own exercise routine. And you repeat this in what’s called “reps,” because you know that doing it just one time in a day isn’t enough.
You understand that in order to see the results you want, you’ll have to exercise your physical muscles regularly and consistently. You become mindful about what you eat. You measure your progress from the beginning of your journey to now. If you like what you see, you GO HARDER. If you don’t like what you see, you also GO HARDER. Why? Because you become so obsessed with the RESULTS that you can’t wait until the next time you exercise your physical muscles.
How does this translate to your business? Well, in order to achieve a level of success that blows your mind, you have to routinely exercise your BUSINESS MUSCLES. This includes strengthening your mindset on a consistent and regular basis. It includes reading, networking, taking courses, hiring coaches, learning new skills, trying different “systems” to see what works. Exercising your business muscles means to become so INTENTIONAL about your success that you are willing to do the “reps” day in and day out, even when you don’t feel like it. You’re so obsessed with the RESULTS, that NOT doing the exercises isn’t an option. Entrepreneurship isn’t for the weak in mind, heart or strength.
Develop your own BUSINESS WORKOUT REGIMEN. Get in the habit of exercising your business muscles every single day…and doing more than one “rep” a day. Read, learn, execute, network, study, observe, apply, produce. What are you doing (or will start doing) DAILY to strengthen your business muscles?
Here are some tips that will help you build your business muscles:
1. Read Daily. Remain a student of your industry (even when you think you know it all).. Read blogs, books, relevant threads to keep you “in the know” and learning more about your industry.
2. Re-read a book you’ve already read before. Each time you read a book, you will pick up information that you may have overlooked before or information that you’ve simply forgotten about. When you re-read information, you are reading it from a different perspective. You will have more experience and understanding since the last time you ready the book, therefore the information may resonate with you differently.
3. Meditate. Meditation allows you to become connected on a deeper level. Take 15 minutes at the beginning of your day to sit and have focused thoughts about what you plan to accomplish in your business. Visualize what you desire in your business...your staff, your income, your office space...everything. It is important to visualize these things as you desire them to be, not necessarily as they are in current time. Use your imagination!
4. Talk with your mentor or coach. It is extremely important to have someone holding you accountable. It’s easier to let yourself down privately, but it’s not so easy to communicate your goals to a third party and not produce. Make sure you are being held accountable by someone who is qualified to mentor or coach you.
5. Audit your current operating procedures. Are you operating as effectively as you should be? Are your systems as simplified as possible? Are you properly staffed? Is your team properly trained? Have you recently audited your expenses to ensure you aren’t paying for unnecessary subscriptions, software, staff, etc?
6. Set goals. It’s really difficult to measure your progress if you aren’t aiming at a target. Create and/or review existing goals. Then, create a plan to accomplish those goals. Review this as often as necessary.
7. Execute Daily. To know and not to do is to not know. Read that again for understanding! Many times, a business owner knows what they “should” be doing, but they fail to execute consistently or at all. Do those things you know you need to do. Get through your “to-do” lists and random sticky notes. Get busy!
Remember, consistency is always key! This is THE main ingredient. If you want your business muscles (strength) to grow, you must exercise them regularly!